Your Tutor Armidale

209-213 Beardy Street, level 1, Armidale

ABN 26665532301

Ph.: 0434 713 732


I agree with Your Tutor Armidale’s Terms and Conditions as detailed here:



This code outlines the conduct and behaviour that is expected from Your Tutor in Armidale Tutors. It aims to help us protect students from abuse and reduce the possibility of unfounded allegations being made against Tutors.

As a Tutor at Your Tutor in Armidale you are acting in a position of authority and have a duty of care towards the students we work with. You are likely to be seen as a role model and are expected to act appropriately.

As a verified Tutor at Your Tutor in Armidale I agree to adhere to the below code of conduct:

  1. To always behave in a professional manner when interacting with students, parents, guardians, other Tutors and members of the team.
  2. To be prepared and on time for each scheduled session, ideally ready and waiting for attendees to arrive five minutes before the start time.
  3. To use appropriate language and tone in all interactions, always ensuring that all conversation is professional. We are a young and vibrant organisation so we expect Tutors to be friendly, professional, and mannerly when interacting with students, parents, guardians, other Tutors and members of the team.
  4. To prepare engaging sessions that are tailored to the students’ needs.
  5. To refrain from engaging in direct paid employment with the parents / guardians of students I have made contact through Your Tutor in Armidale.
  6. To have a professional and non-distracting set up whilst Tutoring (e.g. not to answer personal phone calls, etc).
  7. To ensure an open line of communication between myself and the Tutor team.
  8. To take the time to give either verbal or written feedback (in the note section in the Tutorbird system), understanding that parents love to know how their child is doing and that this, in turn, fosters a positive relationship.
  9. To be responsive to messages within the Your Tutor in Armidale platforms in a timely manner.
  10. To remember to keep my availability up to date in the Tutorbird system, once shown how to do so.
  • Unacceptable behaviour

When working with students, you must not:

  1. allow concerns or allegations to go unreported
  2. arrange to meet a student online or face to face outside of scheduled sessions
  3. smoke, consume alcohol or use illegal substances
  4. develop inappropriate relationships with students, including having ‘favourites’, accepting or giving gifts
  5. make inappropriate promises to students
  6. engage in behaviour that is in any way abusive including having any form of sexual contact with a student
  7. let students have any personal contact details (e.g. email, postal address), which are not already shared or have contact with them via a personal social media account
  8. act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive
  9. patronise or belittle students
  10. make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of students
  11. contact students who are Under 16 using social media under any circumstances.
  • Upholding this Code

You should always follow this code of behaviour and never rely on your reputation to protect you.

If you have behaved inappropriately you will be subject to disciplinary procedures. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, you may be asked to leave Your Tutor in Armidale. We may also make a report to statutory agencies such as the police and/or the local authority child protection services. If you become aware of any breaches of this code, you must report them to Florence Champion de Crespigny.